Flying around Sept Seven! What would those blank areas in the corners be? How would the cliff-borders look? Are the caverns interesting? And, I always love visiting flat sandy beaches and really dense jungle.
Well, the blank areas on the map were, again, those gaps in the world. I was hoping it would fill in with water. Still, I love flying above the Void, and occasionally falling in.
Yes, the cliffs were impressive. The roots of the trees go down to the very bottom of the world.
Beautiful beaches!
I’m not sure if I like the caverns. They look weird in sand. Maybe if I restricted them to certain areas. Also, they’re kind of dangerous — I was walking around at night, was taking some pictures of the moon, and fell in one.
This picture is awfully dark, but I think you get the idea. This would be nasty to get out of, if I couldn’t fly.
Yes, the water levels match perfectly! I built a little glass bridge from the island, across the Void Gap, to the surrounding ocean.
More pictures soon! This is a very nice little world, and I’ve already carved out some “camping areas”.